Sweet Violets

I sowed these years ago as an afterthought at the end of summer and forgot about them. They surprised me...

The Garden in March

All things considered we had a mild winter, and the spring flowers show it: the hellebores bloomed in carpets starting...

March Garden

All things considered we had a mild winter, and the spring flowers show it: the hellebores bloomed in carpets starting...

Growing Up

Growing vegetables on vertical supports allows for smaller footprints, more access to sunlight, less damage to the produce from rainstorms...

Hardiness Zones

The hardiness zone is the range of average temperatures throughout the year in a specific area. The US spans twelve...

Bulbs, rhizomes and tubers

The main difference between bulbs and the other three is bulbs grow scales, layers, around a core, whereas corms, rhizomes...

How Much To Plant

If you’re wondering how much is enough, here are a few rules of thumb. To feed one person for an...

Fragrant Herbs

We cultivate herbs for culinary and medicinal purposes, as well as for their fragrance, and although there is often overlap...


From the helicopters and parachutes of maple seeds and dandelions to the Velcro like grip of smartweeds, stickseeds and burdocks,...

Flowers for Spring

There are two flushes of bloom in the spring. The first one, supported by spring bulbs and woodland natives, begins...